Why Join my Accent Intensive?
Whether you're an actor looking to start your speech training, or wanting to polish your RP aka "Standard British" accent, this one-day intensive will support you in developing your accent skills.
In this 1-day intensive, you will:
Gain a basic understanding of IPA (the International Phonetic Alphabet) and how to translate this understanding into consistent authentic pronunciation.
Learn Knight-Thompson Speechwork’s Four Pillars of how to approach any accent: cultural context, oral posture, musicality/prosody, and pronunciation.
Know how to do Received Pronunciation aka the “Standard British” accent. This accent breakdown includes RP’s cultural context, oral posture, musicality, and pronunciation shifts.
Walk away with tools for approaching a script that calls for RP (without needing a coach!).
Receive coaching from Ryan on your RP accent through scene work.
PLUS all participants will receive access to Ryan’s accent breakdown and corresponding sound files that you can keep FOREVER.
When is the workshop?
The next in-person workshop will be held on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 10am-5pm PT. The next online workshop will be held on Saturday, March 30th, 2024, from 10am-5pm PT.
Where is the workshop?
The March 9 workshop will be held in person at Crash Acting in Los Angeles. The March 30 workshop will be held online via Zoom. The workshop will be recorded and the recording will be made available for 10 days following the workshop.
What will we do in the workshop?
We'll start the day by learning the foundations of speech and accents. Then we'll apply the new skills to learning RP. We'll end the day by working on a scene in RP, where you'll get coaching from me.
How much is the workshop?
The workshop is $185.
Do I need to prepare anything?
You don't need to prepare anything in advance--I'll provide the script that we'll play with.
Do I need prior experience?
You do not need prior experience in order to join this weekend workshop.